

2022-03-23 21:32:41

(shé )(jiān )(shànɡ )(de )(zhōnɡ )(ɡuó zhī 

shǎn 西xī yánɡ ròu pào mó 


A Bite of China

Pita pieces soaked in mutton soap in Shaanxi Province

(shēnɡ )(cí )(biǎo )

Vocabulary List

(yánɡ )(ròu )(pào )(mó ) 

Pita pieces soaked in mutton soap

(shǎn )西(xī )(shěnɡ ) Shaanxi Province

(hàn )(zú ) Han Chinese

(nónɡ )(xiānɡ )(pū )(bí )  attractively fragrant

(féi )(ér )(bù )(nì )  rich but not greasy


羊肉(yáng ròu )(pào )(mó )(gǔ )(chēng )"羊羹(yáng gēng )"(shì )西(xī )(běi )(hàn )(zú )风味(fēng wèi )(měi )(shí )其中(qí zhōng )(yǐ )(shǎn )西(xī )西(xī )(ān )牛羊肉(niú yáng ròu )(pào )(mó )(zuì )(xiǎng )盛名(shèng míng )

Pita pieces soaked in mutton soap, which used to be called mutton broth, is one of local cates in Northwest Han Chinese settlement. Nowadays Pita pieces soaked in mutton soap in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province is the best-known in China.

(qí )(zhì )(zuò )方法(fāng fǎ )(shì )(xiān )(yòng )(shǒu )(bǎ )(mó )(bāi )(suì )(jiāng )(bāi )(hǎo )(de )烙饼(lào bǐng )(fàng )(dào )(guō )(lǐ )(jiā )(rù )羊肉(yáng ròu )(tāng )(fàng )(rù )(pèi )(cài )(yǔ )(tiáo )(liào )(zhǔ )(shú )(jí )(kě )(yáng )(ròu )(tāng )(shì )(lì )(yòng )(yáng )(gǔ )(jiā )(shàng )(duō )(zhǒng )(xiāng )(liào )(dà )(huǒ )(zhǔ )(kāi )(rán )(hòu )(chè )(qù )(fú )(mò )(fàng )(rù )(ròu )(kuài )(xiān )(dà )(huǒ )(hòu )(xiǎo )(huǒ )烹饪(pēng rèn )(ér )(chéng )(tāng )(wèi )浓香(nóng xiāng )(pū )(bí )羊肉(yáng ròu )(féi )(ér )(bù )(nì )香气(xiāng qì )(sì )(yì )(yòu )(rén )(shí )(yù )(shí )(hòu )回味无穷(huí wèi wú qióng )

The cooking method is firstly to break the pita into pieces, then to put them into the pot, then to pour into the mutton soap, finally to add in the side dish and the seasoning and to boil them together. When cooking the mutton soap, people boil the goat bone with many kinds of ingredients, skim the scum, put into the mutton, and stew them from high temperature to low temperature. The mutton soap is attractively fragrant, and the mutton is rich but not greasy. Pita pieces soaked in mutton soap is appetitive, impressive, and full of irresistible smell.

羊肉(yáng ròu )(pào )(mó )(bù )(jǐn )(nuǎn )(wèi )(nài )(jī )(ér )(qiě )营养(yíng yǎng )丰富(fēng fù )(yīn )(ér )(dé )(dào )(le )西(xī )(ān )(hé )西(xī )(běi )(dì )(qū )(gè )(zú )(rén )(mín )(de )(xǐ )(ài )(shì )(shǎn )西(xī )(zuì )(jù )(tè )(sè )(de )(zhǔ )(shí )

Pita pieces soaked in mutton soap is not only warming your stomach and keeping you feeling full, but also full of nutrition. So it is popular with people from Xi’an and Northwestern areas, and it has been the most representative staple food in Shaanxi Province.



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