

2020-11-07 00:11:30


"Steamed mutton, mutton paomo referred to, or, in ancient times known as" jelly ", because it is delicious in stomach hunger, especially in Shaanxi, Xi'an's most famous cattle at Pita Bread Soaked in Lamb Soup.


Suddenly want to eat Pita Bread Soaked in Lamb Soup, somehow? May be homesick, so the Internet for large amounts of data, as much as possible replication. Hope to reach the universally recognized Xi'an mutton paomo features - heavy taste, rotten meat soup thick, fat but not greasy, fragrance.



Finally, basically close to the Beijing TV "happy kitchen" section in the old Xi'an restaurant teach method, cooked meat, fish meat, steamed, boiled, steamed do break steamed five steps.

First soup, with mutton and sheep bones with ginger, pepper, aniseed, 

cinnamon, fennel and other cooked rotten meat, crisp bone soup taste alcohol.





Tuo Tuo again burger bun, this is a kind of unleavened dough steamed to Burger made "tiger chrysanthemum heart".

The next break bread, take a piece of cake broke it in half and then from the middle split into two halves, then pinch into small bean size, and each with a small pastry and bread heart.

The last is boiled steamed mutton with soup to cook off good steamed bun with mutton pieces, and fans, senior point plus fungus and lily.

When combined with Pickled Sweet Garlic, edible chili, coriander and garlic bolt, also called planing to eat, can not be eroded, stirring, otherwise the aroma loss.

低头瞧瞧自己煮制的泡馍:馍块垫底,银网(粉丝)罩盖,双鱼(牛肉)浮顶,翠绿的蒜苗、黄色的黄花菜、黝黑的木耳散落期间,色和形已经够上了标准。Bow to look at their cooked steamed bun: block bottom, silver net (fans) cover, Pisces (beef) floating roof, yellow green, garlic bolt during day lily, black fungus, scattered, color and shape has to reach the standard.




Mutton soup materials: 700 grams of lamb, sheep bone 700 grams, 3 grams of pepper, aniseed 1, cinnamon 4 grams, onion 80 grams, 20 grams of ginger and 3 liters of water

And these spices are also available: fruit, fennel, angelica, galangal, clove, amomum fruit, Rhizoma kaempferiae

Foam material (2-3 volume): 4 bowl of mutton soup, Tuo Tuo steamed 4 (each about 38 grams), 240 grams, soak vermicelli soaked mushrooms 150 grams, 100 grams soaked daylily, chili sauce, coriander, garlic bolt or Pickled Sweet Garlic"




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